

Chalise D.R., Fontaine T.A, Haj A.E, “Comparison of Hydrological Simulation Program Fortran (HSPF) and Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) using temporal and spatial scale”, ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Sciences, 2018 (pdf)

Technical Reports

O’Connor P., Chalise D.R., Deneale S.T., Waldoch C. “The Small Hydropower Integrated Design and Economic Assessment Model: Documentation and Selected Applications”, ORNL/TM-2016/517, Under Publication Development

Witt A., Chalise D.R., Hadjerioua B., Manwaring M., Bishop N., (2016) “Development and Implications of a Predictive Cost Methodology for Modular Pumped Storage Hydropower (m-PSH) Projects in the United States, ORNL/TM-2016/590, 9/2016 (pdf)

Witt A., Brink R.M., Chalise D.R., Hadjerioua B., Lansey K., Hortsman C., (2016)  “Preliminary Feasibility Study of a Hybrid Solar and a Modular Pumped Storage Hydro Energy Storage System at  Biosphere 2”, ORNL/TM -2016/591 (pdf)

O’Connor, P.W., DeNeale, S.T., Chalise, D.R., Centurion, E., Maloof, A. (2015) “Hydropower baseline cost modeling version 2”, ORNL/TM-2015/471 (pdf)

O’Connor, P.W., Zhang, Q.F., DeNeale, S.T., Chalise, D.R., Centurion, E (2015) “Hydropower baseline cost modeling”, ORNL/TM 2014/15 (pdf)

Conference Papers

Chalise D.R., O’Connor P., Deneale S.T., Waldoch C. “Hydropower Integrated Design and Economic Assessment Tool for Use in Preliminary Feasibility Assessments – Modeling Framework”, Proceeding of HydroVision International Conference, Minneapolis, MN 7/2016 (pdf)

Witt A., Chalise D.R., Hadjerioua B., Bishop, N., “Can Innovation and Targeted Cost Reductions Encourage the Feasibility of Modular Pumped Storage Hydro (m-PSH) in the United States?” Proceeding of HydroVision International Conference, Minneapolis, MN 7/2016

Chalise D.R., O’Connor P., Deneale S.T., Martinez, U.R., Zhang Q.F. “LCOE uncertainty analysis for hydropower using Monte Carlo simulations”, Proceeding of HydroVision International Conference, Portland, OR  7/2015 (pdf)

DeNeale S., O’Connor P., Chalise D.R., Centurion E., Maloof, A., Zhang Q.F. “Parametric cost modeling for national-scale hydropower feasibility”, Proceeding of HydroVision International Conference, Portland, OR 7/2015


Chalise D.R., O’Connor P., Deneale S.T., Waldoch C. “Hydropower Integrated Design and Economic Assessment Model: Preliminary feasibility assessment for an existing Army Corps of Engineers dam”, 4th Oak Ridge PostDoc Research Symposium, Oak Ridge, TN  7/2015. Poster presentation

Hadjerioua B., Witt A., Chalise D.R., Mehdizadeh A., Odukomaiya W., Abu-Heiba A., Akinina A., “Economic assessment of modular Pumped Storage Hydro (m-PSH) in the United States”, National Hydropower Association Meeting, Washington, D.C., 4/2016. Oral presentation

Chalise D.R., O’Connor P., Deneale S.T., Martinez, U.R., Zhang Q.F. “LCOE and uncertainties assumptions for hydropower”, 3rd Oak Ridge PostDoc Research Symposium, Oak Ridge, TN  7/2015. Poster presentation

Maloof, A., Chalise D.R., DeNeale S., O’Connor P. “Operational and maintenance cost modeling for Hydropower”, 3rd Oak Ridge PostDoc Research Symposium, Oak Ridge, TN  7/2015. Poster presentation

Chalise D.R., Zhang Q.F, Deneale,S.T., O’Connor,P. “Hydropower initial capital cost modeling”, 2nd ORNL Post-Doc Research Symposium, Oak Ridge, TN  7/2014. Poster presentation

Chalise D.R., Fontaine T.A, Haj A.E, “Evaluation of hydrologic model performance for climate change scenarios – a case study from the Black Hills, South Dakota”, Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE 3/2014, Oral presentation

Chalise D.R., Fontaine T.A, Haj A.E, “Evaluating temporal and spatial scale issues with hydrologic models” Western South Dakota Hydrology Conference, Rapid City, SD 4/2013. Poster presentation

MS Thesis

Chalise D.R. (2013) “Evaluating Temporal and Spatial Scale Issues with Hydrologic Models in the Black Hills, South Dakota”, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, Rapid City, SD (pdf)

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